Well, here are the spirits, their names are john and flora hill. There are the original owners of the house but now they come and go as they please, where do they go, no pony knows but for now let’s focus on the events unfolding at the moment.
So, john and flora were setting up the table until the rest came in, they are both nervous because they know Dracula, Erik and Thomas and even though they don’t like the bad things that they did they know thanks to the vampires how nice the rest of Dracula’s helpers (Jekyll, Hyde, Elizabeth, Matthew Adam and Matthew’s mom) are and don’t want anything bad to happen.
Of course, Dracula’s helpers are nervous some (mostly Elizabeth and Matthew’s mom) are crying or on the brink of tears, but Dracula is just thinking and focused but in the next comic you will see why they are so scared.
Note on the last panel: I wanted to show the whole table, but it was too difficult, and I only had a 50-50% split on both answers so I have to ask if I should use a long rectangle or a round table because Dracula has to gear the other leaders without yelling across the room.
Well I hope you like it I hope I’ll get used to and get better in transparent stuff like spirits and stuff.