Sunset Shimmer - Taking the place of Twilight, shy is the Princess of Friendship being taught by Princess Luna.
Sunny Flare - Taking the place of Rarity, she owns the Sunshine Boutique
Indigo Zap - Taking the place of Rainbow, she is the newest member of the Shadowbolts
Sour Sweet - Taking the place of Fluttershy, she helps at an animal shelter, but also makes jewels in her spare time(look at her cm)
Sugarcoat - Taking the place of AJ, she and her family make sugary sweets to sell
Lemon Zest - Taking the place of Pinkie, she loves throwing rave parties and DJ-ing for her friends
Base Link
Base By - ShiiBases
Backstories - Me.
Update - I’m changing my art style just a little bit. I’m going to be using a color from the mane and highlight(or whatever) the things that makes each pony special.
Examples: Unicorns - Highlight the horn
Pegasi - Highlight the wings
Earth - Highlight the hooves
Alicorns - Highlight the horn and wings