Original Description:
To improve my drawing, I tried to multiply the possible universes to designate the characters
1) Twiluniverse (Twilight is an Alicorn)
This universe is the basic universe of the series, Twilight directs Equestria and this one takes my next gen of base: Twilight x Applejack.
2) Bluebelleuniverse (R63)
Applejack the stallion has worked on the family farm since a very young age. However, after meeting chef Paprika (Saffron Masala R63), he preferred to stay in Canterlot with him, in order to build a family life, while making the family restaurant. They first took the decision to adopt a filly with an amazing mane and named her “Indigo Milk” in relation to it. A few years later, the couple adopted a second filly, which was named “Cannelle”, in relation to the colour of its coat.
3) Sunsetverse (Sunset Shimmer became a princess before Twilight)
Applejack and Zecora appreciated each other from their first meeting. The zebra moved to the farm to help her wife and together they adopted a small orphaned zebra, named “Mistral”. He works on the farm with his mothers and even if he does not have a beauty brand like Zecora, it is certain that his destiny is in the small town of Ponyville!
4) Chrysaluniverse (Chrysalis, reformed, leads Equestria to the side of Luna)
The young unicorn Applejack soon left her disgusting family farm to be raised by her uncle and aunt. She quickly learned the customs of the high society of Canterlot and left many suitors to languish for her beauty. However, the pegasus Tenderhoof knew how to find the words to convince her to marry him! From this union was born a young unicorn named Theodore, who is as distinguished as his parents.
5) Noprincessuniverse (The Alicornes don’t exist)
The intrepid pegasus applejack, very quickly left her farm to go to the boarding school of the flight school. Very talented in her field, she quickly climbed the ranks to find herself alongside the Wonderbolts ! During one of her missions, she met the young earthly Sunburst, with whom she began first a friendship, to end with a marriage and a colt named “Aldébaran”, compared to its very orange color!
6) Eviluniverse (The bad guys lead Equestria)
The villains have won. Twilight has never been alicorne and the princesses are no more than prisoners. The earth pony, Applejack is part of the agriculture team, which has to take care of the plantations to feed Equestria.