What, they don’t celebrate that where you live?
In case it’s escaped your notice, I’ve been making holiday centered FlutterMac pics since December and I ran into a small issue where August doesn’t really have any holidays around where I am. I had thought of making a piece of Big Mac and Fluttershy at the Summer Sun Celebration, so I decided to make it for this month. Logically speaking the Summer Sun Celebration would probably be the summer solstice, but I was feverishly trying to get my already belated Father’s Day picture done when that event happened. Mid-summer isn’t to bad a time for the event either I think, so here we are.
Originally this was just going to be Flutters and Big Mac together, but much like my 4th of July pic where I reasoned it was weird for the two of them to have a cook out all by themselves and added their family’s, it seemed strange they’d go to Canterlot by themselves so I added the rest of the crew as well. Where is Twilight, you ask? Oh, she’ll be along in a minute